In 2024, our Earth Week theme centered around the intersection of Indigenous science and Western science, specifically focusing on our relationship to nature as scientists and students of nature.
Our theme for 2023 focused on the question: How do I as a [student / educator / science enthusiast] talk to people about climate change?
For our first annual Earth Week, we considered how to transfer our (astro)physical skills for broader climate advocacy work?
Narrative I wrote about the feeling of solastalgia on a California road trip for Smith College magazine Emulate (see page 37 in the magazine, page 19 in the PDF!)
Article I wrote for the SPS Observer on the importance of climate literacy across fields, and of my climate change education at Smith College
Perspective I wrote on the psychological distance of climate change for The Climate Change Debate: A Reference Handbook by David E. Newton (not open access)
Blog post I wrote translating my paper on climate literacy in adult education programs to a general audience
Local news article on a Smith program I was involved in, the Climate Change Concentration
Article covering a project I did with a team of Smith students on human climate migration. We compiled and presented our research to four nearby Western Massachusetts hilltowns as they prepared for the statewide Municipal Vulnerability Program.